Jon Giullian

- Librarian, Head of International Collections
Contact Info
Biography —
As Head of the IAS Department, I coordinate the work of the department's seven programs (African, East Asian, West European, Global and International; Middle East; Slavic and Eurasian; and Spain, Portugal, Latin American and Caribbean) within KU Libraries and with other campus units.
Research —
Teaching —
Library research education (information literacy) in support of courses in Slavic Languages and Literatures, Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Russian history, Slavic folklore, Russian culture, Societies and Cultures of Eurasia, Global and International Studies , and European Studies. I am also interested in Russian language pedagogy and the use of multi-media for building cultural and linquistic competency.
Bibliography, digital research tools, and information literacy as they relate to Russian, East European, and Eurasian librarianship (REEE). Russian book vendors and publishers. East European research libraries in the post-Soviet era. Open access publishing related to REEE.
Teaching interests:
- Information literacy
- Russia
- Eastern Europe
- Eurasia
- Slavic folklore
- Russian culture
- Russian history
Selected Publications —
Giullian, J. (2017). iPad and Android Tablets: Wonder Pills or Placebo for Academic Library Staff?. Library High Tech - Issue 3 | Volume 35.
Reyes, B., Giullian, J., Devlin, F. (2017). iPad and Android Tablets: Wonder Pills or Placebo for Academic Library Staff?. Library High Tech - Issue 3 | Volume 35.
Giullian, J., Monroe-Gulick, A. (2017). Assessment of KU Libraries’ Slavic & Eurasian Collection: Purpose, Process, and Potential. Slavic and East European Information Resources - Issue 1-2 | Volume 18.
Monroe-Gulick, A., Giullian, J. (2017). Assessment of KU Libraries' Area Studies Collections: Purpose, Process, and Potential. Slavic and East European Information Resources - Issue 1-2 | Volume 18.
Giullian, J. (2016). Aspects of Diversity in ASEEES National Conferences as a Reflection of the Field of Slavic and Eurasian Studies in North America: Case Studies of Gender, Location, Discipline, and Institution. Slavic and East European Information Resources - Issue 4 | Volume 17.
Giullian, J. (2016). Aspects of Diversity in ASEEES National Conferences as a Reflection of the Field of Slavic and Eurasian Studies in North America: Case Studies of Gender, Location, Discipline, and Institution. Slavic and East European Information Resources - Issue 4 | Volume 17.
Giullian, J., Zitser, E. (2015). Beyond LibGuides: The Past, Present, and Future of Online Research Guides. Slavic and East European Information Resources - Issue 4 | Volume 16.
Giullian, J. (2015). Beyond LibGuides: The Past, Present, and Future of Online Research Guides. Slavic and East European Information Resources - Issue 4 | Volume 16.
Giullian, J. (2013). ‘Seans chernoi magii’ na Taganke: The Hunt for Master and Margarita in the Pravda Digital Archive. Slavic and East European Information Resources - Issue 2/3 | Volume 14.
Giullian, J. (2013). ‘Seans chernoi magii’ na Taganke: The Hunt for Master and Margarita in the Pravda Digital Archive. Slavic and East European Information Resources - Issue 2/3 | Volume 14.
Giullian, J., Achleitner, H., Dimchev, A. (2010). Slavic Studies and the World: Embracing the Revolution of Open Access Publishing. Globalization and the Management of Information Resources: Papers from the International Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 12-14 November 2008 - Pages 181-190.
Giullian, J. (2009). Slavic Folklore, the Library and the Web: A Case-Study of Subject-Specific Collaborative Information Literacy at the University of Kansas. Slavic and East European Information Resources (SEEIR), Special Issue: Slavic Information Literacy: Past, Present and Future - Issue 2/3 | Volume 10.
Giullian, J. (2009). Slavic Folklore, the Library and the Web: A Case-Study of Subject-Specific Collaborative Information Literacy at the University of Kansas. Slavic and East European Information Resources (SEEIR), Special Issue: Slavic Information Literacy: Past, Present and Future - Issue 2/3 | Volume 10.
Giullian, J., Ference, G., Schaffner, B. (2006). Where Library Meets Vendor: A Comparison of Six Vendors of Russian Books. G.C. Ference, B.L. Schaffner (Eds.). Books, Bibliographies, and Pugs: A Festschrift In Honor of Murlin Croucher. (pp. 87-112). Slavica. [0073-6929].
Selected Presentations —
Assessment of KU Libraries’ Area Studies Collections: Purpose, Process, and Potential - 47th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). Location: Philadelphia, PA. (11-21-2015).
Tablets for Library Staff: Tools, Toys, or Troubles? - Internet Librarian. Location: Monterey, California. (10-28-2015).
“The World of Libguides -- Thinking Beyond Your University.” - ASEEES Committee on Libraries and Information Resources. (4-22-2015).
Pathway to Peace and Prosperity: A New Model and Partnership for Teaching the Introduction to Graduate Studies Course in French, German, and Slavic Languages and Literatures. - 46th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). Location: San Antonio, TX. (11-22-2014).
Where Professional Practice Meets Research: Case of the Missing Theater Review - Presentation, Strategic Sharing Forum, University of Kansas Libraries, Watson Library, Rm. 455. Location: Lawrence, KS. (2-13-2014).
Inclusivity and Diversity: Cross-section of ASEEES by Gender, Discipline, and Institution - 44th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). Location: New Orleans, LA. (11-16-2012).
Online Research Guides: Audience, Assessment, and Advice - Roundtable discussion: Online Research Guides for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies: Challenges, Opportunities, and Best Practices; 44th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. Location: New Orleans, LA. (11-16-2012).
Poll Everywhere: Using Live Audience Polling to Engage Students and Capture Learning Outcomes of Library Instruction - Presentation, Reference and Instruction Meeting, University of Kansas Libraries, Watson Library. Location: Lawrence, KS. (3-10-2010).
Slavic Folklore, the Library and the Web: A Collaborative Information Literacy Program at the University of Kansas (First Steps) - 41st National Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS). (11-20-2008).
Slavic Studies and the World: Embracing the Revolution of Open Access Publishing - Presentation, Globalization and the Management of Information Resources. Location: Sofia, Bulgaria. (11-12-2008).
Awards & Honors —
Dobro Slovo National Slavic Honor Society. Received: 1-01-1993.
2014 Leadership Institute. Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA). Received: 5-02-2014.
Co-winner, Faculty Service Award. Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (CREES), University of Kansas. Received: 12-31-2010.
Top Twenty library instruction articles of 2009. Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT). Received: 6-30-2010.